Monday 17 September 2012

Trailing…with the kitchen sink!

Oh the joys of being a "trailing spouse"! I've been one before, in Belgium, and it didn't sit too well with me then either! It doesn't work for my husband either really - he is used to me going alone, being independent, sorting "stuff" out! Plus he has a job to do! That's why we are here…..

So, today's adventure goes a little like this… awake at 5:50am to make sure all is in hand for the TRN (Traffic Register Number) Adventure, leave house at 6:40am to try to avoid some of the traffic heading into the centre - where I am heading. Arrive at SatNav destination (corner of Jan Smuts & Bram Fischer) with no idea where the Randburg Civic Centre is. Drive around a bit, stop at robots (traffic lights) & ask a nice looking lady where the Civic Centre is. She says she is heading that way & can she climb in the car! Momentary panic, then I think "what the Heck"! Nice lady gets in the back & off we go - 150 metres down the road, arriving at the place I need to be & I think nearer where she was going! 

So far so good. Feeling pretty pleased with myself - it is 7:32am & I am in control! Car parked, I head to the "line" - I had been warned to expect a long line so was armed with my knitting & Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom". It's not too bad - about 15 people in front of me & the doors aren't open yet - website says 7:30am so anytime now. Official looking man walks along the line dishing out various forms which we can then fill in whilst we wait - which was a good time-filler as doors only opened at 8:03am. You can only get this form - for the Traffic Register Number to register my newly purchased car in my name - at the offices, not online.

Form completed, papers & kitchen sink at the ready - bring it on! I reach the window at 8:26am & 30 seconds later I am on my heel walking out, spitting feathers and cursing the spouse that I am trailing! Call said spouse & explain that not only do I need:

- my passport
- 2 certified passport photos
- proof of address
- proof of payment for the car
- my driving licence
- vehicle inspection document


I also need:
- his passport
- our marriage certificate
- and chuck in a G&T!!

His passport is somewhere being somethinged for an upcoming trip to Zambia so no good & marriage certificate is at home. I head home - at least I will know where to come next time…..

SO - in case you are reading this with the feint hope of finding out how you obtain your Traffic Register Number - which I am still not sure whether I actually need other than to receive traffic fines! - you will need all of the above & more. TAKE EVERYTHING, especially your spouse - and for good measure, walk 2 paces behind him and don't look him in the eye! 

Final note - see poster that was stuck to the window - TRN applications are only available until 10am - even though they are open until 3pm. DON'T ASK!!!

1 comment:

  1. God ! it reminds me of Gabon and the adventure of getting a residence card. First day I came to this "wonderful" office it was too late (around 9.30, shame on me !) but my file&the docs requested were OK. Following day I came earlier but some docs were missing (may be a change that occured in the law during the night I was not aware of)I started to complain (French you are - French you stay !!)The man answered HE was the one working there, so HE was the one who knew (not me !!)Then i went back straight to the french embassy where they delivered a piece of paper full of stamps (the more stamps you have in Africa, the less time you loose, never forget that rule) The day after my file was OK again. What a surprise indeed ;-)) Never give up Annabelle et bises à vous 4 ! Valérie
