Friday 17 August 2012

Moving to Johannesburg

I remember vividly the day my husband "mentioned" to me the possibility of moving to…. of all places….Johannesburg! January 11th 2012 - perhaps it was the immediate nausea that I felt, or the sheer panic! He "left it with me" to research & investigate, but with the final sentence of "…my projects have pretty much dried up in Europe!". No pressure then.

So It went a little like this:

- Day 1 - felt sick
- Day 2 - googled "Living in Johannesburg" - NEVER DO THAT! 
- Day 3 - spoke to the Head of Admissions at AISJ (the American International School of Johannesburg) and that conversation produced a seismic change in my views & that night I said "OK - let's do it"!

A long 7 months later & here we are - 2 weeks in The Adventure & really enjoying it. We arrived in March for a "look/see" and to house hunt - a little early to be honest but all turned out OK. Was impressed from the start - the flight (night) was manageable, OR Tambo was clean & well organised - we were met by a driver & taken straight to the hotel. My husband was already working here so we were arriving alone. Streets seemed clean & safe - nobody was being raped or shot whilst we were driving past - and of course  the sun was shining! We stayed for 5 days - all of my pre conceptions gone by the end & we were all ready for this - The Next Adventure.

One of the reasons for doing this blog is to give some more insight to others faced with this decision - the press do NOTHING to help reflect the New Jo'burg and so we have little information on what it really is like to live here. You kind of have to come & figure it out for yourself. My views are personal & of course subjective but they are first hand & real! 

We are still very much Newbies - still in the honeymoon period - but one lady who I had lunch with today has been here for 5 years & that honeymoon period has still not ended for her & Africa! 

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The start of something new.......

Airfreight arriving tomorrow and really have no idea what is packed in it - 300kgs of stuff that we haven't missed for the past month & cannot even remember what is in it. Too much stuff! 

We are definitely settling in, the children have been at school a week, dog is behaving like some African Queen - sleeping on sofas indeed! I've only got lost once in the car - at night, with my daughter. Scary but my new best friend, SatNav, saw us true. Not good for the heart though....

Leaving Heathrow August 2nd 2012

SO much to write about already....but first, a little intro to us to set the scene. Family of 4 plus the dog (black labrador, aged 6.5 years but still thinks she's a puppy) - me, Belle, Hubbie Lance (not real name but after his cycling hero!), Long Boy (14) and Squeezie (12). Here for 2 years with his work & planning on embracing it with both hands.....bring it on Africa!